Sunday 19 February 2012

Jumping with the Poles II [Hypothetical]

First Contact: The German Recon Battalion is forming a protective bubble down the road from the Town/Depot. The Germans are up against it as they are being attacked from both sides by two units as strong as them or stronger. A yellow suppression marker on a German Armoured Car comes from the Polish Paratroopers indirect fire, easily spotting the German recon vehicles out in the open, while themselves being unspotted:

Just to prove the point (see below), the Germans are up against two battalions of the Air-Landing (Glider) Regiment, which translates to a lot of stands (see below). It could have been far worse as there was a third Air-Landing battalion that didn't turn up. Note: Of 'game' interest a different mechanic used for the Air-Landing Regiment, they rolled per battalion rather than per stand. I preferred the stand-by-stand way I had to do for the Polish Paratroopers, though I can see the "logic" in the second way (Gliders come down in clumps [Do they? Discuss]) but I still think all airborne forces would face attrition being spread all over the place.

Meanwhile the Polish paratroopers press the pace, scoring more indirect suppression (see the yellow markers in photograph below) and heading straight to an occupied wood, defended by a German Infantry Coy. The paratroopers brace themselves for the hidden stationary fire (never underestimate the killing potential of German Infantry) but intend to outflank and simultaneously swamp the position . A key Allied element in this plan is the Airborne FOO from the pack howitzers company, stationed bottom left of the hill (see photograph below). Their job is to "prep" the wood ahead of the infantry assault: 

On the other side of the table the leading Air-Landing boys have found another occupied wood to clear (see below). The same speedy attack principle applies for them as per the Poles, again with a Foo "in-situ" to assist suppressing the enemy: 

The Germans are being tested, but are stoically fighting a delaying action to buy time for their reinforcements to assemble to defend the town/depot.


Broeders said...

Unlike paratroopers, gliders were MUCH more likely to land in roughly the same place as they were let go pretty near to the LZ and could steer themselves in. Most WW2 histories tell of gliders smashing into each other in the same field. Paratroopers however were much more likely to be scattered far and wide as the planes dropping them had to be far apart and the wind would have a much greater effect on scattering. Also for a glider that landed safely, all troops from that stick would be together automatically while a stick of paratroopers could have a hedge, field or forest between individual troops.

Paul said...

This is good Geordie, keep it up.

Geordie an Exiled FoG said...

Thanks for the info Phill, what you say makes a lot of sense

Maybe the glider rules weren't so bad after all